Monday, January 10, 2011

Throwing Caution To The Wind

Issue 5          [December 27, 2010]

     In our life we should practice care and be on the lookout for things that may harm us. There are many obstacles that we face in life which may lead us down many different roads. Things that come up in our life may turn out to be one of two different things, A stumbling block or a stepping stone. It will be our choice to do with them as we so please.

      It is all well and good to be cautious and count the cost of our actions, but every once in a while (with good judgment) it is good for us to let loose, let your hair down, or throw caution to the wind. Allow me to clarify before I get started. I am not meaning that we should just go hog wild and do something reckless, I mean with good judgment and of sober mind. I say “throw caution to the wind” only as a figurative term. Please use righteous judgment and know the direction I am attempting to steer us in.

     What I am referring to is within the house of God. We may have feelings of being scared of speaking in public or singing a solo, or getting out of our pew and worshipping the Lord as we REALLY desire to do. Our flesh gets in our way and we feel to stay within our comfort zone but I don’t feel this is very profitable for our soul or the church. Worship God with your whole heart and HE will reward you for it.

     Tell that Devil he cant have your sacrifice and pop him in the mouth and go on for Jesus!  Please, lets not try to justify our lack of spiritual pressing and say, “ I’m too old, I’m too young, I just don’t. . , I am sick, I just this, I just that, . . . . “ Keep in mind that we can always do something for the Lord. If you press toward the mark, If you put yourself out, if only just a little bit God will reward you for it. You may not be able to run the isles, but you can lift your voice, you can wave your hands toward Heaven, you can pray for your bro/sis, etc… Salvation should still excite us! Redemption should still move us! Gods glory should still have us spellbound!

     What about those times when God has laid it on our heart to go over and pray for our bro or sis but we began to second guess and out think God? We think that they might think. . .bla bla bla Whatever.?! It doesn’t matter what it is. God touches our heart to do things for people because he feels he can trust us to do a job for him. If we don’t, how do you think God feels?

     We need to push thru our flesh and those spirits that bind us up. Sometimes I think Satan is more dedicated to church than we are. He knows that if he can keep us down and not allow us a break-thru then he might have a chance to discourage us thru the week.

     Church is Satan’s last line of offense. This is where he is the most scared. Did I say that? YES I did. When we assemble ourselves together and if we can press thru, Satan knows he is in for one more good lickin’!

    We can get an education, become civilized and sophisticated, act in a dignified manner, but the more we do, the more our “intellectual” thinking gets in the way. A co-worker was discussing an ex programmer we used to work with. He made the statement that he was educated beyond his intelligence. What does that mean? He was too smart for his own understanding. It means you can allow learning to get in the way of the movement of Gods spirit. Please don’t take me wrong, I am not running down education. I firmly believe in an education. It is essential to survive in today’s society. It becomes a problem ONLY when we place it ahead of a move of God, or we try to out think God. We need to get on our knees, get out of the way and let God be God, plain and simple.

     If we will put more emphasis on praying for a move of God and allowing him to move then we will see revival. Try to get Gods attention, If he doesn’t move with us whispering, then cry louder. Sing a song and still no move from God? Leap for joy, run the isles, shout our hair down, but what ever we do lets get out of our starchy mentality.

     I bet if we had a real urgent immediate need in our life we wouldn’t care what anyone thought or said. And that’s the whole problem in a nutshell. We are worried about what others might think or say if we got out and truly worshipped God. I tell you what they are thinking “Man I sure wish I could get out there and worship like that. I sure wish I had the guts to get out of my pew and praise God like them“. So on and so on. I am a witness to this fact. I have seen many people get out in church and worship God with everything they had and I sat back and said those very same things. You know why God didn’t bless me (truly bless me) in those times, because I didn’t move for him, I didn’t get excited over him. Whose fault is it? MINE, it was all mine. Nobody is stopping me from worshipping God except M~E !!

     If you read all the stories in the New Testament those that got their healing, deliverance, or prayer answered was NOT just playing patty-cake. They had to press, they had to go beyond the crowd, they had to move and they had to reach outside of their comfort zone. God will reward you for your efforts! I guarantee this, If you move for God - he WILL move for you.

     The more love we have for someone the more we want to do for them and to please them). The less love we have for someone (and the more selfish we become) the less we want to do for them and to please them.
     Imagine this for a moment. A man is hired to go to work in a factory. He shows up for work every day and clocks out in the afternoon. At the end of the week he is expecting a check but if no work has been done do you really expect his supervisor to give him a check for not doing anything? Would you pay a man for a job and be happy to give him his money if he didn’t fulfill his end of the agreement? Then why should God move for us if we only showed up for church? We didn’t do any work. Did we?

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Scripture For Your Basket

Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Ps 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Ps 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.

Ps 9:1 I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works.

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{a poem I wrote many months back but thought it would go well with this Issue. It is elementary but its here anyhow...}

Tee - Tee Tah - Tah
Well Well, Here we ahh
Round and Round Here we go
Fightin the devil doe see doe
A slap to the face, a kick to the knee
Lets keep dancing cause you’ll never whip me
I’ll take you on, I’ll never give in
Cause I’m no longer bond by sin
I’ll beat you down, I’ll bust your head
We’ll keep dancing until one is dead
For all the years you tormented me
If I could, you’d hang from a tree
You’ve met your match cause my minds made up
I’m a big dog now not some little pup.
Its not the dog in the fight that will win
But the fight in this dog that’ll do you in
I’m fightin for my family, my friends and my soul
Down to brass tacks buddy; you gotta go
It doesn’t matter what comes our way
I’ll fight you every step of the way
The gloves are off but you cant hide
Under my foot, because you cant ride
Since the womb we’ve danced for years
You’ve caused me a lot of grief and tears
But I fought you then and I’ll fight you now
In the heat I may not see how
But when I learn to stand completely still
I’ll begin to find his perfect will
And when I do there’s no need in balkin
Because you’ve just become; a dead man walkin

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