Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wine Into Water

Issue 18                [June 27, 2010]

     T. Graham Brown was a popular country music singer back in the 70’s and 80’s. He, as many others stars have done, got caught up in the scene of “Chemical Dependency”. His was alcohol and later down the road he turned his life around and wrote a gospel song about his experience. He called it Wine Into Water.

     As one who has survived dependency, I know the suffering that you go thru. Anyone who can say “I never drank, did drugs or cigarettes” has a testimony of unimaginable proportion. For those who have never had to face those demons, you truly have no idea how blessed you are.

     The payment you make, the scars you take with you, is not only physical but mental and emotional and the memories are there simmering in the back of your mind. They are there to remind you and torment you of the things you did and the torment you put others thru.

     I have a friend who has been dear to me over the past 10 plus years. He has known the revelation of truth and yet walked away. He is ,to this day, one of “the untouchables.” I have done all I could to coax him back to the house of God, but to no avail. Learning to let go is a heart battle, I mean a hard battle. I guess a little bit of both (Freudian slip).

     Many times we walk thru life and come across a beggar on the street, or a prostitute on the corner, or a meth-head in Wal-Mart. They are dirty, maybe smell, hair undone, eyes sunk in, skinny and malnourished, and we walk on by them hoping they don’t ask us for anything. We may even ask God to send someone by their way (as long as its not us). All they need is for someone to walk by and give them a little bit of sunshine. A kind word, a smile, just a simple Hello and maybe develop a repore (relationship). Maybe you can give them an invitation card to your church. You don’t have to preach to them, or tell them the requirements to live for God, just simply invite them and walk away. That maybe all they are looking for. Please don’t judge a soul by its cover.

     These are people that made the decision to get into chemicals but they may not have had much to keep them from turning to it. Please don’t judge because they are what they are. Atmosphere and surroundings, and home life play a significant role in who we become. If they grow up around it they may not know any other way. If we were to grow up in Germany in 1925 thru 1940, then we may have become swayed by the charismatic man coming to power whom the world knows as Adolph Hitler, who’s to say?! Be thankful if you have a good Christian family that takes you to church. Many do not have such a luxury.

     I am sure if you ask them if they wanted to be a junkie when they grew up, none of them would say yes?! I am not saying they are totally innocent, but don’t crucify them because they are not the same as you. Many times we can get caught up into a downward slide and not know how to get out, so we keep sliding even farther until one day we reach the bottom and have no hope of climbing out. All some of them need is for someone to come by and throw out a lifeline, they may not trust in the line too quickly, so don’t despair if at first you don’t succeed.

     I am so thankful that someone thought enough to toss me a lifeline and invite me to church. Actually I was dating a lady who graduated with this particular church couple. If I had not been with that lady in Hardees in Parsons, Tn. that day, who knows where I might be, but to this day I am still thankful to Bro Charlie & Sis Joy Hicks for the invitation. I am, in part, who I am today because of them.

     There are consequences for our actions. (Because of the chemicals) Sometimes I have a really hard time keeping my train of thought in carrying on a conversation. There are times I still have a nervous twitch and my mind is kinda cluttered. I am one of the ones who come out alive. I have known some who are still wrapped up in dope and there are those who went overboard who will never come back to reality. Their mind is burnt and spent and a logical thought process is out of the question for them. There are others who lost their homes, family, children, cars, trucks, friends, jobs and so on.

     I wish God would give me the ability to paint a portrait for each one of you to see the devastation. To be able to feel the pain and anguish and the heartache of those who are lost out there in a world of dependency and many will never make it to safety, but will die and go to a devils Hell. If I could, I would paint the portrait in hopes of deterring others (especially the kids) from ever walking near those demons. For them to know that there is no such thing as “just a taste and walk away.” There is no such thing as just a little sin. You can NOT control it, no matter what Satan tells you. You will get caught up in a vortex of sin and you will find yourself swept away far, far from the shore.

     I remember when I was under conviction in 2005. I knew what I needed to do, and I was so much in shambles. I was looking for an Apostolic church with good standards and yet this beast had such a hold on me. I knew what was going on, God knew what was going on, and Satan knew what was going on. He was working overtime in not letting me get back to the house of God. I would listen to this song over and over and over. I would get so angry and yet so discouraged in myself. What I should do, Why I didn’t do it, Who to blame, why blame anyone, why should I give up, why has it taken me so long, I wouldn’t be here if I’d been man enough to hold on, and so on, and on.

     Many people think that it is so easy just to wake up and say “I think I’m not going to be a junkie, alcoholic, etc… anymore.” It has to be the hand of God that reaches down and helps you. Don’t get me wrong, it is the individuals responsibility to give up the habit, but it is God that gives you the strength to kick the habit (what ever it may be).

     We ALL have our weaknesses. What you may never have a problem with, will be the one thing that your brother/sister may have trouble giving up. Remember what may not get you, may get the next person. It is always easy to speculate what you would do in their situation but until you walk a mile in a mans shoes, don’t be so ready to pull the mote from their eye. Have more compassion towards your fellow man.

     It may not even be a “dependency” problem that someone has. If the scripture is hid it is hid to them that are lost. Big sins are not the only thing that will send a soul to Hell. Their problem may be doctrinal issues, holiness living, giving up TV and movies, and so on. Prayer for them is sometimes the only way to reach them. We can invite and live it in front of them but until they SEE it for themselves, they are lost. Its not until they walk down the road to Damascus that their eyes may be opened.

     In closing, be thankful if you've never had a dependency problem. If you have and are free, be thankful and never forget where God brought you from and where you could have been. If you are sitting on an Apostolic pew and you've been filled with the Holy-Ghost, be ever so thankful.

     Next time you walk thru town and see someone not exactly like you, don't walk to the other side of the street to avoid them, instead make sure to walk by with a "compassionate" smile, a "Godly" attitude, and maybe even try saying Good morning, good day, or God Bless. You never know, the life you encourage may be at a crossroads, and may be hours from eternity and your act of un-selfish kindness may tip the scales in a heavenly direction for them.
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Song For Your Basket:
You’ve heard a multitude of prayers on my behalf
I pray one more is not too much to ask
I’ve tried to fight this battle by myself
But it’s a war I can’t win without your help
Tonight I’m as low as any man can go
I’m down and I can’t fall much farther
Once upon a time you turned the water into wine
I’m on my knees and turning to you Father
Would you help me turn the wine back into water
So many times I’ve hurt the ones I loved
I pushed them to the edge of giving up
They stood by me but how much can they stand
If I don’t put this bottle in your hands
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Editors Comments:
     I hope that I was able to stir up your mind to more Heavenly thinking, and maybe helped you gain more of a "healthy" spirit.

     I don't ask a dime from anyone for financial support (though I am thankful for those who contribute). The greatest payment I could ever receive is knowing that what I wrote has blessed you in some form or fashion.

     If I have ever helped you in any way, or these writings have touched someone you know, please contact me and let me know, I'd LOVE to hear from you. Its always good to know that what you're doing is making a difference in someone's life.

     Sometimes the greatest treasures are those from the Heart!!! Thank you & God Bless!

Wine Into Water

Wine Into Water

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Striving To Become Infallible

Issue 17 [June 13, 2010]

1. not erring: incapable of making a mistake
2. incapable of failing: certain not to fail
3. unerring in doctrine: incapable of being mistaken in matters of doctrine and dogma
[15th century. < medieval Latin infallibilis < Latin fallere "deceive, disappoint"
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

     When the Lord allowed me to come back to the house of God, I had some things that I urgently had to rid my life of. Just as the first time I came to God, I had tobacco, alcohol, and various “chemicals” which blocked my path to a better life. With a lot of help from the Lord, I shed those beggars clothes, and put on a new coat. One fit for an heir to the kingdom.

     There was a problem with this, I had flesh to contend with. When you go to starve your flesh from the things of this world, it will go into spiritual convulsions (so-to-speak). Just as an alcoholic will go thru “D.T.’s” , you may also.

     The words came to mind that I had given to so many others in that shape. Allow me to tell you a familiar story every one is probably familiar with.

    An older man was working with a young friend of his that was coming off alcohol and drugs. His friend was shaking and having a hard time of it. One night the young man was speaking to his friend and told him, that he didn’t think that he could go the rest of his life without a drink.

     The friend ask him if he could go 1 minute without a drink, the young man said “why sure, for 1 minute, yea I guess I could. Then the older man asked him, “Could you go 5 minutes without a drink?” The other replied, “yea, 5 minutes,. . . .I can handle that.” Once again the older man asked, what of 30 minutes? Is that possible for a strong man like yourself?” The other said, “30 minutes, hmmm?! I think I could.” The older man said again, “What of 60 minutes? Can you go 1 hour?” The young man thought for a minute and said, “I feel I can handle 1 hour. But no longer, I am not sure of myself past that time.” So the older man finally said, “Then live your life 1 hour at a time!”

     When we first come to God, we have to live our life 1 hour at a time. We have to crawl before we can walk. Doesn’t the Bible speak of milk before the meat? Now let me say that this is not a “Get out of jail” free card, nor is this a license to sin. We can not say well, I’ll sin this hour and repent the next, that is not a proper repentant lifestyle. Repentant means to be truly sorry for the wrong that you have done and with all intentions and demands upon your own life, strive to walk that way NO MORE.

     After we have received our “sea-legs” and can walk, we have to strive and contend that we are no longer the old man we used to be. We are not God, so we can not resurrect the dead. Let the dead stay dead! It may be hard sometimes to not look back to Egypt and desire the melons and cucumbers and leeks. If it was not tempting, then we would not have been doing it in the first place. Who has a desire to WANT to have a root canal? No one because it is not a tempting thing for anyone in their right mind! Ha ha

     We have to remind our self that Egypt is infested with infectious diseases and it is a place where all souls eventually die. Lots wife turned back to gaze upon her city but was turned to a pillar of salt for her disobedience. What would happen to us today if we were dealt with as harshly as in the old testament?

     It will take a made up mind to keep traveling down the narrow path. A man who is easily persuaded is easily removed from the persuasion. I am not saying that there will not be bumps in the road nor will it be “suck bottles and lollipops.” Remember a man with a dream is equal to 99 with only an idea - author unknown. When you fall, and if you walk this path you probably will, get back to your feet, brush yourself off and keep walking. Its not about the first to cross the finish line, it is who simply MAKES the finish line.

     You have to pace yourself and do the best you can. Only you and God truly know what your limits are. You don’t have to set your goals so high that they are unattainable. I say that for those like myself who are reaching for never ending perfection. Remember this, You can only travel as far as your vision will carry you - JW 6/08. So set your vision for Heaven, it is attainable. There is a healthy balance in most everything, except sin. The best thing I have found to help with a healthy balance is prayer, fasting and keep a humble and contrite spirit.

     A man with a desire to succeed is a man who has the fuel to take him there. The Bible says (psalms 37:23-24) “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand” A good man is subject to FALL down but the thing of it is, a good man won’t STAY down. If your wrong, take your lickin, get back up and get back out on the battlefield again.

     What Satan doesn’t want us to see is that he is laughing at us when we fall to his snares. I don’t’ know about you but I HATE my enemies to laugh at me, knowing that the got the best of me. I never wanted to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they got over on me and to let them keep me down. When I began to channel my anger towards defeating my enemy, that is when I “come out fighting” (as I think, Joe Lewis said).

     Sometimes what we must do is learn to HATE, sin that is. A British General in WWII made the statement; What we must do is teach our men to hate. For what they hate, they will fight!”
     In the carnal world, a man who falls on the field of battle, dies victoriously and bravely fought his enemy. He gave his life for a cause he was willing to die for. In the spiritual world, we don’t have to die on the field of battle because our enemy can not defeat us. Not when the Lord is on our side. Our enemy will never prevail, as long as we make our mind that we will . . . Strive For Infallibility!

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Scriptures For Your Basket:
James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1 Kings 20:28 And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Psalms 73:17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.
The Holy Bible, King James Version. Pradis CD-ROM:1Ti 6:12. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, © 1994.
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Editors Comments:
     I know there may be some who feel that I write as one who portraits himself as already infallible but it is so not the case. I am very much human and many times I write of encouragement and motivation and continual striving for more, because I am writing not only for you and to you but to and for ME. If anyone has ever needed to reach for more, it is I.
     I am still the least in the kingdom and in more need of God than anyone living. I am simply someone who is putting pen to paper what I feel for myself, and maybe able to help someone struggling (like myself) along the way. If I do any finger pointing, it is to myself more than anyone else.

You cant help people get to the top of the hill, without finding yourself there also - Zig Ziglar
Issue 17                     [June 13, 2010]

1. not erring: incapable of making a mistake
2. incapable of failing: certain not to fail
3. unerring in doctrine: incapable of being mistaken in matters of doctrine and dogma
[15th century. < medieval Latin infallibilis < Latin fallere "deceive, disappoint"]
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

     When the Lord allowed me to come back to the house of God, I had some things that I urgently had to rid my life of. Just as the first time I came to God, I had tobacco, alcohol, and various “chemicals” which blocked my path to a better life. With a lot of help from the Lord, I shed those beggars clothes, and put on a new coat. One fit for an heir to the kingdom.

     There was a problem with this, I had flesh to contend with. When you go to starve your flesh from the things of this world, it will go into spiritual convulsions (so-to-speak). Just as an alcoholic will go thru “D.T.’s” , you may also.

     The words came to mind that I had given to so many others in that shape. Allow me to tell you a familiar story every one is probably familiar with.
An older man was working with a young friend of his that was coming off alcohol and drugs. His friend was shaking and having a hard time of it. One night the young man was speaking to his friend and told him, that he didn’t think that he could go the rest of his life without a drink.

     The friend ask him if he could go 1 minute without a drink, the young man said “why sure, for 1 minute, yea I guess I could. Then the older man asked him, “Could you go 5 minutes without a drink?” The other replied, “yea, 5 minutes,. . . .I can handle that.” Once again the older man asked, what of 30 minutes? Is that possible for a strong man like yourself?” The other said, “30 minutes, hmmm?! I think I could.” The older man said again, “What of 60 minutes? Can you go 1 hour?” The young man thought for a minute and said, “I feel I can handle 1 hour. But no longer, I am not sure of myself past that time.” So the older man finally said, “Then live your life 1 hour at a time!”

     When we first come to God, we have to live our life 1 hour at a time. We have to crawl before we can walk. Doesn’t the Bible speak of milk before the meat? Now let me say that this is not a “Get out of jail” free card, nor is this a license to sin. We can not say well, I’ll sin this hour and repent the next, that is not a proper repentant lifestyle. Repentant means to be truly sorry for the wrong that you have done and with all intentions and demands upon your own life, strive to walk that way NO MORE.

     After we have received our “sea-legs” and can walk, we have to strive and contend that we are no longer the old man we used to be. We are not God, so we can not resurrect the dead. Let the dead stay dead! It may be hard sometimes to not look back to Egypt and desire the melons and cucumbers and leeks. If it was not tempting, then we would not have been doing it in the first place. Who has a desire to WANT to have a root canal? No one because it is not a tempting thing for anyone in their right mind! Ha ha

     We have to remind our self that Egypt is infested with infectious diseases and it is a place where all souls eventually die. Lots wife turned back to gaze upon her city but was turned to a pillar of salt for her disobedience. What would happen to us today if we were dealt with as harshly as in the old testament?

     It will take a made up mind to keep traveling down the narrow path. A man who is easily persuaded is easily removed from the persuasion. I am not saying that there will not be bumps in the road nor will it be “suck bottles and lollipops.” Remember a man with a dream is equal to 99 with only an idea - author unknown. When you fall, and if you walk this path you probably will, get back to your feet, brush yourself off and keep walking. Its not about the first to cross the finish line, it is who simply MAKES the finish line.

     You have to pace yourself and do the best you can. Only you and God truly know what your limits are. You don’t have to set your goals so high that they are unattainable. I say that for those like myself who are reaching for never ending perfection. Remember this, You can only travel as far as your vision will carry you - JW 6/08. So set your vision for Heaven, it is attainable. There is a healthy balance in most everything, except sin. The best thing I have found to help with a healthy balance is prayer, fasting and keep a humble and contrite spirit.

     A man with a desire to succeed is a man who has the fuel to take him there. The Bible says (psalms 37:23-24 “

     What Satan doesn’t want us to see is that he is laughing at us when we fall to his snares. I don’t’ know about you but I HATE my enemies to laugh at me, knowing that the got the best of me. I never wanted to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they got over on me and to let them keep me down. When I began to channel my anger towards defeating my enemy, that is when I “come out fighting” (as I think, Joe Lewis said).
.The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand
     Sometimes what we must do is learn to HATE, sin that is. A British General in WWII made the statement; What we must do is teach our men to hate. For what they hate, they will fight!”

     In the carnal world, a man who falls on the field of battle, dies victoriously and bravely fought his enemy. He gave his life for a cause he was willing to die for. In the spiritual world, we don’t have to die on the field of battle because our enemy can not defeat us. Not when the Lord is on our side. Our enemy will never prevail, as long as we make our mind that we will . . . Strive For Infallibility!

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Scriptures For Your Basket:
James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
1 Corinthians 10:12-13 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
1 Kings 20:28 And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Psalms 73:17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.
The Holy Bible, King James Version. Pradis CD-ROM:1Ti 6:12. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, © 1994.

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Editors Comments:

     I know there may be some who feel that I write as one who portraits himself as already infallible but it is so not the case. I am very much human and many times I write of encouragement and motivation and continual striving for more, because I am writing not only for you and to you but to and for ME. If anyone has ever needed to reach for more, it is I.

     I am still the least in the kingdom and in more need of God than anyone living. I am simply someone who is putting pen to paper what I feel for myself, and maybe able to help someone struggling (like myself) along the way. If I do any finger pointing, it is to myself more than anyone else.
I know that If I help enough people up the hill, I will find my self at the top also. - J
” A good man is subject to FALL down but the thing of it is, a good man won’t STAY down. If your wrong, take your lickin, get back up and get back out on the battlefield again.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

When Does It Become Sin

Issue 16          [May 30, 2010]

1. transgression of theological principles: an act, thought, or way of behaving that goes against the law or teachings of a religion, especially when the person who commits it is aware of this
2. shameful offense: something that offends a moral or ethical principles.

3rd person present singular sins)
1. knowingly do wrong: to commit a sin, especially by knowingly violating the law or teachings of a religion
2. commit shameful offense: to commit a serious moral or ethical offense
n (plural sins)  3. estrangement from God: in Christian theology, the condition of being denied God's grace because of a sin or sins committed

1. action violating law or code: a crime or any act that violates a law, command, or moral code
2. commission of wrongs: the committing of acts that violate a law, command, or moral code
3. overstepping limit: an act or the process of overstepping a limit

     What is sin? It is a transgression against Gods law. What is transgression? It is violating that law or overstepping a limit. It is knowingly or unknowingly committing an act which is contrary to Gods will. The best way to get an accurate understanding of sin is look at the fruits of the flesh.

    Galatians 5:19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

   Romans 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

    Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

     There is a broad listing of sin, and to better understand what they are, get down your dictionary and Bible to study it out more fully.
I want to discuss a subject of making sin out of nothing at all. You may be wondering where I am going with this, so sit back and I hope you enjoy the ride.

    There is one thing that I did not list “explicitly” for the purpose of saving the best for last. S Scripture says in Hebrews chapter 13:7 “Remember them which have the .” Then in the 17th verse it reaffirms the same thing by saying “

     For those who don’t know me I am NOT a bible scholar or some theologian. I am a learned man only from experience and the street. Thankfully life (and common sense) has taught me to understand what this means in the 17th verse. Obey them that have the rule over you - parents is a given, but if you are a Christian and claiming to be a member of your local assembly this also applies to your pastor. It goes on to say to submit yourselves. What does submit mean? It means to yield or accept somebody else authority. You have to be in compliance with what they ask of you.

     They watch for your souls - meaning they are pouring out blood, sweat, and tears, and are crying out for your soul. They are giving everything they have to help you make Heaven your home. They are there to HELP you, not to rule over you with a iron thumb. A real pastor that loves you will not subject you to un needed harnessing in your life. He will ask you to refrain from only the things that may be harmful to your walk with God.

     They must give an account - when they stand before God, they will be held responsible for what they told the congregation, or what they did NOT tell the congregation and so on. We will stand before God sitting on the throne and if they can not give a good report about us then it will be unprofitable for us at the day of judgment. I shouldn’t have to break that sentence down for you.

     I said all that to say this. If your pastor asks you to refrain from something, leave it alone. I don’t care if it is a Heaven or Hell issue, and I don’t care if it will send you to Hell or not. It may not even be sin or sinful. But if you partake of the things that your pastor asks you not to, THEN it becomes sin.

   If your pastor asks you not to go to Wal-Mart on Sunday, you do not need to go to Wal-Mart on Sunday. Is this something that will send you to Hell? No, normally it will not. It will only send you to Hell when your pastor asks you not to and you sneak around and do it anyway.

     We not only have “doctrinal” issues such as holiness dress and things of that nature to obey, but there are things that this pastor may ask you to steer clear of that is only “church” teaching. This is what he feel that HIS local congregation should refrain from.

     There are preachers who feel to refrain from coffee, or neck-ties, or that preachers only wear white shirts, or ladies shouldn’t wear colored stocking, or to wear a watch, or don’t have internet in your home, and so on. These are things which may not be a “Heaven or Hell” issue. They only become a “Heaven or Hell” issue when your pastor asks you to leave them alone and you DO NOT!

     All this basically breaks down to is obedience to your man of God. Obey the teachings and support your man of God. Back your man of God, even if you don’t full understand or agree 100 percent with what he says. Pray about it and ask God to help you understand. If you still have a lack of understanding, go to your pastor and ask him (privately) to help you better understand the situation. I assure you that if you go and ask him to help you understand he will be more than willing to see where he is coming from.

     We as faithful saints may not see the nose in front of our face but God will help the pastor to see a bit farther than we can. The watchman in the tower should be able to see the enemy coming afar off and will warn us before they come banging down our door.

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Scripture For Your Basket:
[tranz grĂ©sh'n] (plural trans·gres·sions) n  rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversationObey them that have the  rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”I Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king

Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
Ro 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Ro 10:16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?
Ro 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction

Proverbs 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;
Pr 1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.
Pr 1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:
Pr 1:29 For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:
Pr 1:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.
Pr 1:31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
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Editors Comments:

     Always remember I am never asked or coerced by anyone (other than God) to write about what it is I write about. No one tells me church gossip, and no one is keeping tabs on your life or what you do. If this hits home for someone then take it up with the "Big Man" upstairs.

     Water follows the path of least resistance, so does sin. Never forget that anyone can go with the flow and live like the world but it takes a real man (or woman) to stand up for the righteous and live for the Lord. May I provoke you to search for your backbone?!