POETRY (page 2)

When trials have us hurting and the valley seems so dry.
We want to laugh but we have to sigh
The pain seems more than I can take
Because there is so much I have at stake
I lift mine eyes unto the hills and I know its on its way
I refuse to give up is what I tell myself to say
I have to hold to that unchanging hand
For one day I'll be singing in the Heavenly band
There is no weapon which can defeat me here
Gods always been there year after year
And though it may seem as though there is no end in sight
Hold on, HOLD ON and dont give up the fight
For joy comes in the morning
but we must FIRST endure the night!
- JW 2.22.11

When the mountain seems so high, and the river seems so wide.
When the waves are rolling in and your being beaten by the tide.
Close your eyes and lifts your hands,
Sing praise unto God for he broke those bands.
The bands which had you bound and drowning,
Now only smiles and no more frowning.
So when it seems that all is lost,
Remember that it was for you he paid the cost.
So look up and dont despair,
For one day soon we'll meet him in the Air!
- JW 4.11.11

There are moments, brief as they are, but moments no less, that we are at total ease.
The blood-sugar level is perfect and your not light-headed or fuzzy,
Your energy level is great and you feel fine.
Your back is not in pain, the nerves in your legs are not being pinched.
The muscles are not in spasms and the rest of your body is not in some sort of mind-twisting pain.
Your mind is thinking clearly and the synapses in your brain are firing off perfectly.
You can keep track of your thought process as you carry on a normal intellectual conversation.
The world seems to be normal in most peoples standards which would be perfect in yours.
You feel perfection at its peak, and you are ready to take on whatever the world may throw at you.
Then just as a breeze blows the seeds from a daffodil,scattering them to the four corners,
so as if to say, Good-bye, so does the moment.
Your blood sugar begins to fluctuate and you become disoriented.
Your energy level is drained and replaced with sludge
Your back begins to cry out in pain as a cyatic nerves becomes pinched
A muscle begins to spasm and twitch
As the pain increases, it robs you of your thought process and you veer off track
and so goes your conversation that you cherish
But for that brief moment in time, you could function perfectly
You have no ailments, you had no problems, you had a perfect physical body
Then, just as a reminder, Jesus tells you that one day
There will be no more pain
There will be no more sorrow
There will be no more heart-ache
For If I hold to the end, this decaying piece of flesh,
this mortal body will ONE DAY take on immortality or in other words...
"So when this corruption shall have put on in corruption,
and this mortal shall have put on immortality
Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
Death is swallowed up in victory"
- JW 6.30.11

"Tis Not Murder" - by Miss Marissa Dawn
Deep inside the mother's womb,
a tiny child will be in bloom.
That tiny child whom would fill a heart with joy and glee,
can't tell you, "stop, you're hurting me!"
What if that innocent little child were you?
would you think that murder would not be true?
Most that are born feel love like no other,
but this child, being "put away" by it's very own mother.
He has to feel the pain as they put you away.
That child will not even see one day.
Change your mind before it's too late.
Don't make that baby go through pain that's so great.
Love your child. Let live.Don't make it where his life he must give.
I ask you, "Is abortion not murder?"

I once had power, I once was strong
The one you came to when things went wrong
I was your best friend, We spent so much time together
I see you so little now, Since you cut our tether
I miss the laughing, I miss the tears
The times we spent down through the years
I am so alone now, No one comes by anymore
The Cob webs are all around, There is dust on the floor
Were you once was faithful, And I removed your gloom
Now Im nothing more than an UNUSED Prayer Room!
-JW 7.6.11

There once was a man who walked upon water
A man who once saved Jarius’ daughter
HE healed the sick and the lame
Delivered their poor souls from a life of shame
The woman at the well, the man at the pool
He went about teaching Gods golden rule
Let us hear the stories, the parables, and the truth
With a heart to obey, a heart like Ruth
Not like those who knew so much
Those ones whose heart he couldn’t touch
Though he tried, but they fought him off
They laughed and sneered, they cursed and scoffed
They brought him to Pilot for his time way nigh
He could have turned him loose, but he gave a sigh
They beat him and mocked him and cursed his holy name
In front of the world they brought him to shame
A cross to carry, a sacrifice for all
So we could be saved if we’d just heed the call
As he hung on the cross, for his people to see
A symbol of hope, for you and for me
He cried it is finished and gave up the ghost
Satan rejoiced as he thought he could boast
Three days and it was over, he rose from the grave
A doorway to salvation, so the world could be saved
This story’s not over, theres one last part
Hes waiting on you to open your heart
Now is your chance, so what shall you do
Depart from your life that is sad and so blue
Seek the Lord, while he may be found
He will turn your frown upside down
Repent of your sins and get right today
Baptized in Jesus Name, there is but ONE way
The Holy Ghost is a gift, for you and for me
Given to us when we fall to our knee.
- JW 7.20.11

We need to obey the man
Cause he's doing all he can
To see that our poor soul is saved.
He asks us to sew up our split
Or to get rid of our spit
And get out of our spiritual cave.
Although we come to church, and we pay our tithes
Because of our iniquity, no blessing is in our size.
He preaches the word
And yes its being heard
But is there no one there to obey?
Be a REAL man
And do all you can, or else...
There will be HELL to pay!
- JW 7.28.11
Make fun or disreguard my praise
Laugh and scorn me, all my days
But understand, its for the one I love
The One thats always there; the One above
I lift my hands, I sing and shout
It is my duty, without a doubt
But its more than that, why I do
Its more than saving, me and you
Its the sunrise, of the new day
Its the April flowers, and spring in May
Its the sickness, from which he healed
Its the judgement, from which he repealled
Its the smile, in which he has given
Its the gumption, in which he has driven
Its the home, in which I dwell
Its the compassion, to save us from Hell
Its the little things, which we take for granted
Its the promises, that He never recanted
Most of all, its the simplest pleasure
Of worshipping my King, in which I treasure.
- JW 8.18.11