Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Disillusion Of Time

    Issue 7             [January 2010] 

  The greatest tool of the Devil is not the television, or the internet, or adult themed inventions, not greed, nor anger, nor wickedness in high places, not even the abomination standing in the Holy place spoken of by Daniel, the greatest tool for sinners and saints alike is the disillusion of time.

     Since before Jesus ascended into Heaven, we have been taught of his returning. In the last 2,000 years preachers have stood up and declared this glorious gospel and the steps it took for salvation. Even Hollywood has made a mockery of it in their movies where “wacko men” walked around with signs declaring “Jesus Is Coming Soon”.

     Down thru the ages we have all been taught that Jesus is coming soon. If you walk up to a perfect stranger and ask him, he has heard of Jesus. You can ask a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Buddhist. You can ask a pagan, or even a devil worshipper, they will all tell you they have heard of Jesus and that he is supposed to be returning. Whether they believe in Jesus or not, is not the question, but men across the globe will tell you they have heard of this Jesus and his returning.

    If you stop and ask a sinner on the street, he will tell you, Yea, I heard that the end is coming soon. This old world cant stand too much longer in the shape she is in. You know it must be bad when perfect strangers who don’t claim anything or know much about the Bible can tell you that the end of the world is near. They even have movies nowadays that discuss ,the coming of the messiah, the apocalypse, and the destruction of the world.

    Now let me ask you a question. IF everyone knows that we have but a short time and IF everyone knows that Jesus is coming soon, and IF we have heard of Heaven and Hell, then what is everyone waiting for?

     If you will take a quick inventory of the churches across the world, how many are preparing, I mean TRULY preparing for the coming of the Lord. We as Apostolics GET ready but are we doing what it takes to STAY ready?

    We as a whole have become so entangled with our own lives, and our families, and our jobs, and our this, and our that. . . . Notice the pattern of selfishness. How is it that we have inwardly engrossed? It is all about Me, myself and I. When we focus on ourselves, we cant look up to see the Son of Man returning.

    Ever heard of the “Rat Race”? Everyone is out there trying to get their own piece of the pie. I can do something for you but what shall it bring me in return? What can I get out of the deal? Friend, if the only reason you help someone is so you can maybe get something in return, then you are wasting your life chasing unicorns. The old expression about humility, just when you think you have it, you’ve immediately lost it. Let me say it another way. When you chase after happiness, it will elude you but when you pursue righteousness and the things that be of God, then happiness will come find YOU!

     It matter not if you are a born again Christian, or a perfect sinner, Satan has all given us the mentality that Sure God is coming back, but we sit there and do nothing.

     Have you ever been around someone who was leaving for a trip, or maybe it was the night before hunting season? Anxiety and restlessness have filled that persons mind where they just cant wait. They are sitting on pins and needles with anticipation of that very moment when they can be released to make their journey to that which they crave so much.

     I wonder if God is looking at us thinking we are like that ready to go “HOME”? Or are we satisfied with our surroundings here in this world.

     You can be 1 or 100, the fact of the matter still remains. Death is a given. Judgment will be automatic. The place where the tree fall there it shall also lay. It is appointed unto man once to die, then the judgment.

     Life is like a line of credit. It is a guaranteed that you will have a Heaven and a Hell in your life. You decision is where you want your heaven and where you want your hell.

     You will also pay for it one way or the other. Choice number 1: You can have your Heaven now and pay for it on credit and live in Hell for eternity. Choice number 2: You can have your Hell now (put your Heaven on layaway) and you can have it for eternity when you die!

     I would rather lay my treasures up in Heaven because even if I had everything that this world could offer and I lived for 1,000 years, that would be a drop in the bucket compared to eternity.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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