Monday, January 10, 2011

The Parasites Of Hell

Issue 4          [December 13, 2010]

     Lucifer was cast down one day because he tried to take over Heaven. They say he was a beautiful angel and a minister of music. He must have been very persuasive because the bible says he took 1/3 of the angels to Earth with him. Satan, Lucifer, The Devil, Beelzebub, etc… the names might change but the deceiver is still the same.

     These minions of his are evil spirits (fallen angels) and we can look at them in our life as parasites. They will take control of our lives and we are at their bidding. Parasites have to have a host to live off of. They will drain us of essential fluids and nutrients that is required for us to live. They will live off of our spirits as long as possible and when our time is up in this world they will simply throw us to the side and grab another soul.

     Now lets look at “The Doctor.” The doctor will come along in our life and can deliver us from these parasites, if we allow him. When God comes to make house calls, he can save us and make us whole again. When this happens, these parasites realize the gravity of the situation and begin to fight back. They will attempt to “choke off” our ability to reach out to Jesus. They will make us spiritually sick and hit us with everything in their arsenal. They know our weaknesses and will turn them around to use them against us.

     This is where the determination for deliverance comes in. These evil spirits will attempt to cause you to draw back from the Lord. They may even “up the ante” and give you a few things that you have been wanting. Satan will get by at purchasing your soul from you at the cheapest price possible. If you will sell out and live for him at the price of a pack of cigarettes, then he got off cheap. Maybe it’s a job or maybe its being popular. He may use alcohol and drugs. What ever he will use, rest assured it’s a small price to drag your soul to Hell for eternity.

     Just as a junkie, or addict goes thru withdraws, so will your flesh sometimes. There is pleasure in sin, but remember it is only for a season. Hold your ground and do it FIRMLY. Never let the devil see you sweat. If something bothers you or thoughts he puts in your head, ignore it and do not flinch. If you throw enough spaghetti against the wall, sooner or later something will stick. This (I feel) is the mentality that Satan has sometimes. He will throw all manner of things at you. Weather it works or not doesn’t matter, he will try all combinations to get something to work against you. Remember that just because the devil will put some thought IN your head doesn’t mean he can read your thoughts.
     Years ago I heard of a thing called “Chinese Water Torture”. This is where the enemy binds you and drips water on your forehead. Its not the single drop that causes you to give in but the perpetual and continual dripping that erodes away at your will power, until you give into your enemy or give in to insanity.

     Satan can use the same tactic. The drop of water in your life may not be anything you look at as potentially hazardous to your soul. It may be an extremely small type of sin or something small enough to go undetected by the radar , but a drop here and a drop there, so on and so on. Maybe it is just a slight glimpse at sin, or giving your ear a second longer to hear an old song you used to like when you lived in sin. There it begins, one drop and Satan catches your hesitation at turning the radio station. Maybe you start tapping your feet to the beat, and for a couple of seconds you relive a sinful moment of your past. Now remember its not that single drop that will cause your fall, but Satan will bide his time, he will keep on gnawing on your layers of protection day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

     God give me a few words a couple of years back and I never saw how deep it was, but thru the course of time I am beginning to wade around in it and see how deep of a meaning there truly is in it. “The Forest of Deception begins with a single seed of compromise”.

      When the enemy comes in like a flood God will lift up a standard against him. Stand Your Ground, close your eyes, give the world your best smile, lift up your hands and praise the Lord. Thru the good, the bad, and the ugly. Get a gospel song to sing that helps you refocus on Jesus and memorize it , sing it and quote scripture, what ever it takes to kick the devil in the teeth. Remember that Satan can’t pluck you from Gods hand. The only one that can pluck you from Gods hand is………you!
     Satan is probably telling you right now that “that’s easy for him to say, he is not going thru what you’re going thru.” Let me stop that thought right now. I used to be an alcoholic, and a dope-head, I was one who loved women, and I had a hard time kicking the crystal-meth habit. Coke, crystal, crank, and crack, I’ve done them all. I can say I’ve been there, not as much as some, but more than others. I’ve chased the dragon many times. There are many , MANY more things that I did before I was delivered but I am too ashamed and embarrassed to speak of them and I pray no one ever finds out about them. I would not want my mom to know some of the things I did in my past.

     I was a backslider and I can tell you this… NEVER leave church. Do anything you have to do but never leave the church. Dig you heals in and cling to the horns of the altar but don’t you give up and leave. You may not be able to return. You will search and search to fill that void and you will be one of the most miserable creatures. I allowed depression to creep into my life and an infection set up in my soul. God showed me mercy and ALLOWED me to come back to the house of God. If you are not careful, these parasites will creep in and catch you at ease in Zion, and will attempt to slip in some bad seeds into your garden, they will place some rocks into your basket and try to distract you so they can throw you off balance and whip you. Don’t be like the foolish virgins, take all the oil you can carry. If you get to the marriage supper and you have extra oil, then that’s great, but what will happen if you don’t have enough?

     Living for God is not like a lottery where you can say well it happened to them but it could never happen to me. I’m sorry my friend, but there is another lie straight from Hell. See, Satan has lied to you again.

     I‘ve seen those people who offer the network marketing programs. The people you see are “success stories” and they cause you to dream of success but for the general public they almost always fail. They spend their hard-earned money and make a go of it but to no avail. Living for God is not like that. This is an achievable goal for EVERYONE. The Lord said its not his will for anyone to perish but A~L~L come to repentance. Guess what my friend, that includes you.

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Scriptures For Your Basket

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Isa 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Jos 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

1Co 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

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