Friday, January 7, 2011

Filling Your Daily Basket

Issue 1          [November 1, 2010]

     As you are allowed to wake up in the morning and as God has given you enough health to crawl out of bed you will undoubtedly go through a daily routine full of activities. Each person you come in contact with, will place something into your daily basket. Be it good or evil there will be something placed into your basket. Throughout the day you will “nibble” on these things and even on left-over’s from a previous day, but mostly on the things you have received from that day. The older the “yesterday” left - over’s are the less of an affect they have upon us. 

     Allow me to explain further. Think of Sunday when you go to church and you will spend approximately 2 plus hours that morning and then the same that afternoon. That is 4-5 hours of positive charging of your spiritual batteries. Think of how good you feel Monday morning but as the day goes on (given you’re around the public) The sense of that positive “church” feeling begins to be drained. Tuesday is a little worse and so on till midweek service you can recharge your batteries. And the next day you are recharged again.

     The more we are around positive or negative influences the more it will weigh on us the more it will move us into the direction we are eating from. This is why it is so important to have a consistent daily routine of recharging your spiritual batteries. You need to place good healthy food into your basket to eat. You don’t need junk-food because it will rot your teeth out. Eat unhealthy long enough you will become spiritually obese and out of shape. You will find it harder and harder to run the race.

     In our daily routine we should be dedicated and consistent. The “New Years” Resolution Syndrome in our spiritual life can be just as sad as in our carnal life. Many people start out with a positive frame of mind but other things tear at them and pretty soon they have dropped off from the resolution and give up. These people were only TEMPORARILY changed in their mind. A pep rally only moves you for a short time. They allowed other things in their life to take control of their decision making. A wise man once said “the best way to get ride of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one”. You need a “Transformation of Mind”.

For a Christian we should start off the morning with
1. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord is simple but effective. Before you crawl out of bed just simply say thank you Lord for allowing me to wake up this morning. Thank you for the privilege of one more day. WHY? Well, out of every one that went to bed last night, how many do you think were allowed to wake up? How many would the statistics show that died in their sleep. Further more, out of everyone that wakes up this morning, how many would you say that will be able to make it home and go to bed tonight. Friend you know not the hour when he shall call you away, So be thankful for what time you do have.
2. Prayer - Prayer is like the phrase “I love you”. Everyone says it, but how many really do it? Everyone you meet, speak of prayer but how many of us truly take the time to focus on it instead of just repeating the phrase. It is not some great intellectual speech you present before a group session of congress. God is an awesome God and he is truly EVERYTHING but he is also compassionate, caring and long-suffering. We can come to him and speak to him as though he is our closest friend (which by the way he desires to be). We don’t have to be something we’re not, we just have to be humble, sincere and have a desire.

     One thing we truly need to do is get ourselves into a closet. Now this is not meaning a literal closet in your home but it means to “tune out” the rest of the world. We need to focus of HIM and HIM alone. If you’re in a room full of people and you have a tendency to look around you may need to sit and kneel somewhere you can concentrate on your prayer. If you are sleepy then you need to get up and walk around (if there is room). We have to get into a “Zone” where we can focus on God. If we can just spend a few minutes in the morning in prayer. (Remember the better your prayer life, the better you relationship with God). You do this consistently every day you will see a change in your life.

3. “Scripture for the day” - We need to read a few scriptures a day (EVERY DAY) to put some bread in our basket so we have something to “chew” on thru the day. Remember when you leave your home and head to work most people fix a lunch because they will be hungry during the day. Your spirit is no different. If you are not able to take a bible with you to work then simply take a scripture. Write one down and read it thru the day and meditate on it. You will be surprised how much cleaner in your spirit you will feel. Plus it will help you when the enemy comes in like a flood. If you will read maybe a chapter a day, or just a few scriptures. Make sure you read them and not glance over them. Maybe read them a couple of times so they can sink in good and carry them with you that day.

     I say that to say all of this, We need to put Godly food into our basket because when you step out of your home, you will be faced with many thousands of spirits doing everything they can to pull you into the mire and maybe to Hell with them. They will attempt to replace your healthy food with junk food. They will place rocks and trash in your basket also. If you walk into a public store and unless you’re a blind man you have to notice all the sinful nature of people nowadays. Be it lustful, hateful, hurtful or even selfish and cruel. The devil knows what will pull at you and I guarantee you, that will be the one thing you will see before the day is up. If it is something lustful, it will be flaunted in front of you. If it is drinking or smoking, somebody will walk up to you and make you smell it on them. Those spirits will make sure to blow that scent straight up your nostrils and you will get a good whiff of it to entice you

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